Abisha Sapkota Sharma
Abisha Sapkota Sharma

Abhisha Sapkota Sharma is an enthusiastic youth eco-leader who is committed to bringing about change in society. She is an agriculture student currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree at the Agriculture and Forestry University. She firmly believes that the change can only be achieved by following egalitarian principles and attempting to bring positive rays into our society. Her involvement with Youth Action for Sustainable and Eco Nepal as secretary exemplifies her dedication to driving positive change at both local and global levels. Furthermore, her interest in sustainable food systems stems from a desire to ensure food security and promote responsible consumption practices. She is fascinated by the intricate dynamics of food production, distribution, and consumption. She is committed to finding innovative solutions that minimize environmental impact while maximizing social and economic benefits.

OMLAS Project: Strengthening Agri Food Resilience through Indigenous Knowledge Documentation and Capacity Building among the farmers group in Chitwan, Nepal. It aligns with multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) beyond SDG 2: Zero Hunger. It also contributes to SDG 1: No Poverty, by improving the livelihoods of small-scale farmers, SDG 13: Climate Action, through promoting climate-resilient agricultural practices. Furthermore, the project supports SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, by empowering local communities and promoting sustainable agriculture, and SDG 15: Life on Land, by preserving traditional agricultural practices and biodiversity. By addressing these additional SDGs, the project takes a holistic approach towards sustainable development and resilience in Nepal's agrifood systems.